REFORMA Northeast Chapter
is proud to announce our
New Chapter Secretary 2024-2025
Vanessa "Iridian" Garcia
All the Best!
is proud to announce our
New Chapter Secretary 2024-2025
Vanessa "Iridian" Garcia
All the Best!
The REFORMA Northeast Chapter Nominations Committee is accepting nominations from among the general membership for the following positions:
The REFORMA Northeast Chapter Nominations Committee is accepting nominations from among the general membership for the following positions:
Vice-President/President Elect: In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President/President-Elect shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chapter President. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall also assist the President and perform such other duties and have such other powers as are prescribed in the By-Laws and that may be prescribed by the Executive Board. Shall serve as Chair of the Membership Committee. Shall inform the Chapter’s President, Secretary, and Electronic List Moderator(s) of any new members.
Secretary: Shall be responsible for the Minutes of Executive Board and General Membership meetings. At each General Membership Meeting, the Secretary shall make Minutes from the previous General Membership meeting available to members. Shall conduct association chapter correspondence as needed, and shall archive and preserve all RNE Minutes, reports, and reports as appropriate. Shall assist the Vice-President with business involving new members and renewals, as well help update membership lists as needed.
Running for Office
You can nominate yourself or another individual. To be eligible to vote as well as to hold office individuals must be members in good standing as of March 21, 2024. If you need to renew your membership, please click here..
Timeline of Election Process
April 1-20th Solicit nominations from chapter membership
April 21st - 26th Nominations committee confirms acceptance of nominations
April 27-30th Committee request a statement of purpose to those nominated
May 1-16th Nomination slate announced; elections begin; chapter members vote (a link will be provided via email for casting your vote)
June 14th Election results are announced
During April 1-20th, email your nomination with the subject heading
2024 RNE Chapter Election to [email protected] Attention: Linda Caycedo, Nominations Chair
Please include with the nomination the following items:
Short biography (300-500 words)
Candidate’s photo (JPEG format)
Purpose statement (300-500 words)
Thank you for sharing our REFORMA mission.
RNE Chapter Nominations Committee
Chair: Linda Caycedo, Past-President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Committee Members: Louis Munoz, President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Madellen Garcia, Vice President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Tess Tobin
Secretary: Shall be responsible for the Minutes of Executive Board and General Membership meetings. At each General Membership Meeting, the Secretary shall make Minutes from the previous General Membership meeting available to members. Shall conduct association chapter correspondence as needed, and shall archive and preserve all RNE Minutes, reports, and reports as appropriate. Shall assist the Vice-President with business involving new members and renewals, as well help update membership lists as needed.
Running for Office
You can nominate yourself or another individual. To be eligible to vote as well as to hold office individuals must be members in good standing as of March 21, 2024. If you need to renew your membership, please click here..
Timeline of Election Process
April 1-20th Solicit nominations from chapter membership
April 21st - 26th Nominations committee confirms acceptance of nominations
April 27-30th Committee request a statement of purpose to those nominated
May 1-16th Nomination slate announced; elections begin; chapter members vote (a link will be provided via email for casting your vote)
June 14th Election results are announced
During April 1-20th, email your nomination with the subject heading
2024 RNE Chapter Election to [email protected] Attention: Linda Caycedo, Nominations Chair
Please include with the nomination the following items:
Short biography (300-500 words)
Candidate’s photo (JPEG format)
Purpose statement (300-500 words)
Thank you for sharing our REFORMA mission.
RNE Chapter Nominations Committee
Chair: Linda Caycedo, Past-President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Committee Members: Louis Munoz, President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Madellen Garcia, Vice President REFORMA Northeast Chapter
Tess Tobin